Allocyttus niger
A firm, white flesh fish that holds together well when cooked.
Black Oreo Dory are very similar to Spiky Oreo Dory but are generally slightly larger in size, and have larger dorsal and ventral spikes.
Black Oreo Dory are managed as a species group (Oreos) by the Ministry for Primary Industries using the Quota Management System (QMS).
Black Oreo Dory belong to the Oreosomatidae family (Oreos).
Black Dory has a very dark brown body with black fins and small firm scales. The body is wide and
angular with large green eyes.
The flesh is firm and white.
Oreos are managed as a species group (OEO), by the Ministry for Primary Industries using the New Zealand Quota Management System (QMS). Regular stock assessments are conducted to estimate fishery stock size and numbers. Scientific studies are also used. From these, scientists can estimate future stock sizes and catch limits.
Black Oreo Dory are a deep-water species found only in the Southern Hemisphere at depths between
600-1200 metres.
0.5-1 kg
30-40 cm
15,460 (OEO) tonne
1000+ tonne
Average quantity per 100g
566 kJ
19.1 g
6.6 g
1.2 g
Black Oreo Dory fillets are firm and white. They do not flake easily and hold together well when cooked. Black Oreo Dory are a versatile fish and suitable for most cooking methods including baked, fried, grilled, poached and steamed.
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